Friday, August 30, 2013


Haiku Friday: School Supplies!

Last night I was at the Minnesota Gophers-UNLV game as the sun was going down... just a beautiful end-of-summer evening.  Then I went downtown to do an interview with Al Jazeera America about the DOJ's views on marijuana legalization, and as I was waiting in the green room I found myself thinking not about narcotics policy, but about what a great time of year this is.  I've spent most of my life attending or working at schools, and the academic calendar is etched in my heart.  This is the start of the year, a new beginning.  It is just about my favorite time of the year.

Part of what defines it is the annual ritual of getting school supplies-- and yes, I do restock for my own purposes at this time of year.  I love the stacks of notebooks and pencils, the backpacks ready to be hauled to a locker, the shiny pens and tape dispensers.

Let's haiku about them today.  I'll go first:

Yearly ritual:
Buying a new protractor.
But... what does it do?

Seriously, I still don't know.  Yet, I feel like buying one.

Now, you go.  Use the 5 syllable/7 syllable/5 syllable formula, please.  I think this will bring out some great work... or at least some decent nostalgia.

Handy Protractor
Measuring infinity?
It's done by degrees
Nice one, Sleepy Walleye!

Black Friday, early?
Too many lists and people.
I pre-order ours.
Protractors are for math
Angles can be measured after all
Still, I think of them
As orthodontists implements
Of torture, naturally.
Where can I buy a syllable counter?
I get new pencils,
A brand new box of crayons,
What color is white?
Sixteen crayons in
The Box. We call them "colors."
I want sixty-four...
Duo-tang folders
an assortment of colors
One for each subject
In the olden days
Elmer's Glue was on the list
Made fake fingernails
Protractors? Really?
You guys didn't know how to live.
I was eating paste.
Those zipper pockets
You click into your binder
I loved their new smell!
I can't beat Sleepy Walleye, so I'm not going to bother.
What does one do when one is all haikued out? Prayers,mantras,wash the kitchen floor on your hands and knees,read WAR AND PEACE...again? I have condo fever...much like boogie fever except with absolutely no energy exhibiting itself.
Agreed - Sleepy Walleye wins this hands down.
It was second grade.
Ronnie brought scissors to school,
Sat behind Bonnie.

She had coarse black hair.
Out of the blue one day he
cut a square back there.

Some pro farmers had
pro tractors but they did not
bring them into school
John,are you rebelling against last week's success?
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