Monday, February 04, 2013
Haiku Winner: Jessica!
Ok, there were lots of great haikus last week (among other wonderful writing by Razorites). For example, there were new voices, like this from Jo Anne Beaty:
Hats, scarves, coats, mittens
Wind, rain, snow by the North Sea
St. Andrews, Scotlandjavascript:void(0);
And this from Maddie:
Snow-drifts, shoulder-height;
Ice-hut village on the lake,
Me, child of the north.
And from Rivkelah:
Woke my son up early.
"Can I say a bad word, please?"
"Holy Crap, it snowed!"
Or Anonymous:
Asthmatic oldest
skis in subzero weather
Hello urgent care.
But the most significant haiku was from Jessica:
I was different then
When I wrote, twelve hours ago
Now I am a mom :)
Here's the scoop: Jessica and her groovy hubby Cody just found out that they are going to adopt a child, who will arrive later this month. They are going to be the fun parents at another table in the restaurant who you secretly wish were going to claim you, too...