Thursday, December 20, 2012


In tomorrow (Friday's) Star Tribune...

Running tomorrow on the opinion page of the Minneapolis Star Tribune is this piece I did on Newtown and revenge. Check it out!

And, while you're at it, take in this great piece from Richard Painter in today's NY Times.

Mark - enjoyed the piece very much. Not sure the first two commenters in the paper did. They seem to think you feel those of us left behind seek revenge for the deaths of the kids. Perhaps that is how they view those who want to see stronger gun control in the US?
Revenge is a basic value for human beings. As is the use of force in self-defense (or in defense of others). That's why Jesus's teachings about forgiveness and turning the other cheek are so radical.

So it's easy to understand why vengeance is so deeply rooted in American culture. What's hard to understand is why so many Christians embrace it in terms of public policy.
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