Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Did you know...

That many of the things on the blog, including haiku Friday and Sunday Reflections, were not my idea originally? They were the idea of readers who convinced me to do it. Most of the good ideas, after all, were yours-- my ideas were mostly about things like selling the blog to the French.

So... what might you like to see here in the future? Let me know.

I just want to say how much I love Haiku Friday. Even when I don't participate, I read every one. It gets people who would never consider themselves poets to write the most amazing things. Purists might scoff, but they are missing the point of poetry, "to tell all the truth but tell it slant" (Emily Dickinson).
Recipe swap Tuesday, rant of the day Wednesday, week in review Saturday.
MORE PICKLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More Faygo Red Pop
Broomball and Taco Bueno box scores.
Panda Recipe Tuesday.

I, like Megan, love Haiku Friday. I read them all and anxiously await Monday when you post the winner.
An "Ask Mark's Dad" advice column!
Thanks Sleepy... now I really want some Faygo Red Pop with a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a tall glass with a spoon/straw...
I second the motion by anon 3:09 to have an "Ask Mr. Osler" (Mark's dad) day once a week. Maybe either Wednesday or Saturday?
Your dad's insights are always interesting and he's a thoughtful man with the wisdom of his years.
It seems like a great idea to me-- either you select a one or two of the most provocative or relevant questions for him to answer, or have your dad choose a question or two that he has strong opinions about and let him air them.

Great idea, anon. At least, I think it is.
I love HaIku Fridays as much as Megan. How about posting something — anything — you've overheard during the course of a given day, and ask Razorites to post what they believe to be the context? Might be funny.

For the record I usually only understand FORTY PERCENT of what goes on on POLITICS THURSDAY...
MORE CARTOONS of IPLAW in his Broccoli suit!!!!
I think RENEE needs a character....
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