Friday, April 06, 2012


Haiku Friday: Your Favorite Razorite!

What a week it has been on the Razor! It has reminded me how fond I am of some of the people I have gotten to know here. OsoGrande provided a graceful response to his haiku win, Bob Darden appreciated his birthday, RRL and Marta got kind of swoony over one another, and the Waco Farmer was willing to engage in a worthwhile exchange with me yesterday (and, as usual, I learned something).

So... let's haiku this week about some of the people who come on here! Christine, New Christine, Marta, RRL, Renee, Megan Willome, Bob, OsoGrande, Waco Farmer, the Spanish Medievalist, Renee, MMM, Carrie Willard, Susan Stabile, Seraphim, Woody, IPLawGuy, Jessica, Jill Scoggins, S, Ang, Justin T., Tydwbleach, CTL, my Dad, Scott Davis, DiadelKendall, Ginger Hunter, Lane, Swissgirl, Kendall, GED3, Lovely Bones, Dallas ADA, and the many others who have been here-- all are fair game.

Who do you miss? Who do you love? Who would you really like to meet? This is the week to reach out.

Here is mine:

Favorite Razorite?
I'll admit I'm intrigued
By Anonymous.

Now it is your turn! Just make it 5 syllables/7/5 or so, and the winner gets their bio right here on Monday.

Sleepy Walleye has
The coolest name in the world,
He makes people sleep.
Hmmmm, Medievalist
So, is he really Spanish?
Or just Medieval?
This may take a while but I'm certain Renee is going to wow us all with multiple Haiku's today.
I miss Lane. Oh Lane.
Me and Lane, political
mayhem. Salad days.
OsoGrande loves
The same place that I know well
Baylor, then and now.
Smart, funny Carrie
Tough, passionate RRL
Deep thinker Craig A

Renee, eloquent
New Christine, kind, luminous
Wisest of all: Dad.
Beautiful daughter,
Vibrant, vital, passionate.
Miss you more each day.
No question: Mark's dad
More than a fine artist,
Soul of a poet.
Osler, Iplaw and
Christine, ALL make the Razor
Fun and Super Keen.
"All I do is win!"
-That's the edited version.
Sure miss RRL
Figaro, Floyd the
Barber, Sal Maglie, Sweeney
Todd..Oh.. THAT Razor
Nothing beats crazy
non sequiter rants of Tyd
Early Razor stuff.
What a place it is;
Who's the biggest character?
Oh, yeah, RRL
Where is P. Rico--
Has he been banished again?
Back to Lake Air Lanes.
Renee's Haiku prose
A wordsmith extraordinaire
Voice of a ture bard
Osler's Razor, a
place of differing view points
and civil discourse
rrl is cool,
but it has to be your Dad.
few words, each one wise.
I imagine him
In velvet night robes,vials of
hemlock simmering.

He eats paella
With guitar strumming fingers
Saffron coats the strings.

This Torquemada
Wounds Words with razors 'til
They bleed horse's sense.

Moustache is rapier
It might deflate lesser men.
Being used en garde.

He sorely needs a
Hat.Vintaged fedora to
Avoid rain torture.
Amazing how I
Can't stand RRL, but I
Agree with him too!

In other news Baylor LAw apparently released LSAT, GPA, and Desire (admissions) Index to all accepted in upcoming class.

I want to know what my desire index was and how badly BULaw wanted me.
She was named for
Him and like Him does not count
What such loving costs.
He,Sancho Panza
To Professor Quixote
Vigilant I.P.

Horsed upon jeep of
Barbie,roams highways,swill beer
Will they,and ski some.

Rockabilly romance
Radio reverberates
Rachetting up roars.
IPLawguy loves
Broccoli and he has an
eye for good interns.

@RRL: I too miss lane. He took some of the mayhem with him, I think.

@Dallas_Defense_Attorney: You know what's worse than not knowing your desire index--everyone else knowing your desire index...
I make new friends here
IPLaw, Ginger, Lane, Tyd
Intrigued by many
In her Oregon
Universe,Osama wears
Beatrice's hat.

Things are not what they
They meet for green tea.
Deutsch appellation'd,
Lady whose mind flows,like strand
Of pearl logic.Heart.
Dwells in the Land of
Never Alone,companioned
Tenderly by Love.

She wants to give gifts--
Bliss of Silence,words wrenched out
By wrestling angels

Would that she could lend
Her arms every sodden day
To hug one to light.
He came to bring Sun
To the Garden,this young priest
Red tulips in bare spots.

Anathema "change" turns
To fertile welcome... "growth"
Before startled eyes.

He called the Creek
"Brother," moved by swift billows
Ducks,Otters,blue herons.

Took them with him in-
to Cyberspace,gained love,two
Little boys to raise

He read Huffpo and
Found another Brother which
Brings us happy here.
He hurt me once with
Words that bruised my intellect.
I value keen knives.
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