Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Halloween report, 2011

When I lived in Waco, there were literally hundreds of kids coming to my door on Halloween. I'm not totally sure why, though I think the fact that I lived in a relatively affluent area (Castle Heights) with houses close together might have had something to do with it. I loved seeing all the costumes, and later on when high school students would come by, I had fun giving them things like soap and Vienna sausages.

In Edina,there are not nearly as many kids, but my neighbors are more generous-- one house was apparently giving out full cans of Mountain Dew. Really. Meanwhile, I gave out a mix of tattoos and Vasito Karla Dulces, which is some kind of tamarind/guava-flavored goo from Mexico that I found at the Midtown Global Marketplace.

What's your report? What were the best costumes you saw?

A five year old girl with a princess dress that was 2 sizes too large and hanging perilously off one shoulder, who did not say "trick or treat", but instead said "do you have a dog?". I replied "yes" (since she could hear the mutt barking in the back yard at all the commotion), to which she said "I want to see him" and started coming in my house. I do not know this child. From the street, sitting in an idling car, her mother shouted "Git your candy and get outta there!" That was fun.

The 7th grade boy holding a box of Rice Krispies who proudly announced that he was a Cereal Killer? Trying too hard, but being a 7th grader is a hard job.
Zero trick or treaters, but then, as my friends say, I live in witness protection.

On the other hand, my brother in Mount Clemens, MI had 526 trick or treaters yesterday evening. He is in a really nice neighborhood but I think his decorations are a contributing factor. This year he built a grave yard. For a small charitable donation to Habitat or the Capuchin Soup Kitchen you could buy a plot at Tru Acres...


(not sure if this link will work. If not visit Tru1965's channel on UTube to view.)
Our neighborhood is transitioning - represented mostly with very young and older children, a year or so to achieve a more traditional balance of trick-or-treaters. Though, groups of Ghouls and wenches were plentiful, arriving separately - which inspired an impromptu question for my teenage guests.

"Your thoughts about forming -Twilight Saga Match.com- early next fall?"

Ghostly visions and their comments are still swirling about...
I had one kid dressed as a "dump." He had glued trash to himself. I suspect a lack of self-esteem.
I saw one kid wearing mitts on his hands and plastic rum bottles on his knees...he is mitt rumney
There are over 50 children under the age of 10 in a 3 block radius from our house. This means that Halloween is second only to Christmas to the grade school set in our neighborhood. For the last few years the young couple that lives two doors down has Michael Jackson's "Thriller" playing on outside speakers lulling children into an unguarded approach to get their candy. With candy in hand, the children are then chased by the young man of the house in a Jason style hockey mask waving his roaring leaf blower. The kids all scream and run while their dads stand in the street and laugh. (The couple give the kids on our side of the street whole candy bars which we appreciate.) All told it is a funny, macabre, sparkly joy fest.
A darling little doggie came to our house and fell asleep. Trick or treating is exhausting.
I didn't see any trick-or-treaters,as I live in Manor Homes of Pharisees of Edina,as you know. For those that don't know,I am not a Pharisee,nor do I play one on t.v. The Pharisees outlaw soliciting of any sort. Nevertheless,they did authorize a dog Halloween party. Romeo,my Cavalier King Charles spaniel,went as Romeo Montague,and he was quite splendid in his red velvet tunic,with white poet sleeves,his Renaissance fluffy beret with peacock feathers and his ascot of ecru lace with medallion hanging atop it. I wore my witch outfit and an orange top hat with spider. The best part of it all was the cider spiked with Captain Morgan. I don't like not having kids come to the door.
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We didn't get ANY kids. We never got any in our apartment in Houston or the one in Waco either. Hopefully next year we'll be in a safer neighborhood with young families, since I really miss seeing all the trick or treaters (and my coworkers don't want to eat any more leftover candy).
I kept seeing these kids that said they were DARTH something but did not look like Darth Vader and it was not that name I had no idea.. One kid came HEAD TO TOE like in this like GRASS MONSTER thing Like Bigfoot but made of grass and plants AWESOME. I said to him: "Oh Cool - you must be a GRASS-SQUATCH" THUD. He just stood there like "Uhmmmm Can you give me my candy now please so I can leave ?"

Poor Spencer... He came as Meriwether Lewis. Complete with a fake canoe and authentic Mountain Man clothes from the era (or replicas - this happens when you know a lot of teachers who teach this stuff) One of my book club friends is a re-enactor of Lewis and Clark stuff so she knew EVERYTHING Awesome. Unfortunately when we went to Downtown Canby and all over the place people kept saying Oh Look! that kid is wearing a BOAT!" or "Look! A Fisherman!" Poor Spencer had to keep telling people that he was LEWIS of LEWIS and CLARK. Even though his fake canoe had an "OREGON OR BUST" sign on it and "CAPTIAN MERIWETHER LEWIS" in two places, still no one guessed it. He was a huge hit with the teachers at his school and at the Canby Library though, hahahah They were all there this summer and helped him check out like ever book they had on L & C hahahah.

I thought it was way better than last year when he was a Jellyfish and looked like a disco ball had mated with Liberace... But I guess we really needed a CLARK. Hard to find another 7 year old who wants to be half of an historic duo...
Edina, that's where.
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