Friday, November 11, 2011


Haiku Friday: Best Movie Scenes

I love that parade scene! It's get everything I love in a movie-- Chicago, dancing frauleins, school hijinks, and music.

So, let's haiku about favorite movie scenes-- it can be any type of movie.

Here is mine:

Which one am I now-
Ferris Bueller or his dad?
[I hope] some of each.

Now it is your turn... just make it roughly five syllables for the first line, seven for the second, and five for the third. This week's prize: Your bio here on Monday! So-- haiku!


Glengarry Glenross:

Please put it down now
Mitch & Murray said only
Closers get coffee
Her tears fall beauty
Like Paris rain.Ship departs.
Bogart will dry them.
Wow. Sharp.
Shakespeare kisses her
Moustache and chest blossoms.Boy
And rats watch.Caught! Court.
Over? Was it o'er
when Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Shhhh. He's on a roll.

In the name of GOD,
do your duty. In the name
of God, believe... Tom.

Jem up in a tree,
won't come down 'til you will play football with Meth'dists.

Black man dead, no reas'n.
Now, man responsible's dead.
Let dead bury dead.
T - Rex behind Jeep,
Jeff Goldblum: Must go faster
Lawyer gets eaten.
The 9th now recalls
An experiment gone bad.
Malcolm played it well.
Showing instruments,
This one goes to eleven?
Exquisite logic.
"Tell him the truth. Tell
him how old he is." She does.
"Eleven!" he yells.

(from "Almost Famous," the scene with Mom, William and Anita in the car, when William learns his mom lied to him about his age).
Don't ask him about
his business Kay. He lies. Door
closes. So evil.

Funeral for his
parents. Damien standing...
turns...eyes like daggers.

Donny was a good
bowler...may have been his last
wish. Good night, sweet prince.
Trailhead leading out
Voice echos through the canyon
Wind In His Hair shouts
Southern homecoming
casket, hearse door shuts, tail lights
painful truths emerge
Truck tire! Whoa, that was
Close. He lit the toy on fire.
Stomach sore for days.
Truth or lie--who cares?
He races the big fish home,
Sharing the last tale.
What was Ferris's
friend like forty in eighty six?
cool girl though no SJP
Not a favorite - but first I thought of...

Christopher McCann,
Sir, you are no Mark Osler.
Just another "Joe."
Who's the crazy one?
Robin Hood roams New York,sings
His heart over Chinese.

Pain voracious,it
Eats nuclei of cells,he,
Miracle!Still loves
Kurosawa's "Ran":
Castle ablaze with red flames
With battle/dance below

On the roof, it rains
Replicant to replicant
"Oh, I have seen things..."

A frightened Flounder,
Angry Horse, Bluto, D-Day
Gunshot, Heart Attack
Farm boy? Man in black?
I'll be Wesley's Buttercup -
"Fetch me that pitcher"
Miss Cross asks Max: "Is
this fake blood?" "You and Herman
Deserve each Other."

"These are O.R. Scrubs."
"O, R they? So tell me, Curly?
How do you know Miss Cross?"

The end of REDS. At
the Train platform. Diane and
Warren. There you are.

"This rain on my car
is a baptism." Gas and
Sip. So glad I went.

Too many movies. Tooooooo many movies.
Fake eyebrows, mustache,
Hooray for Captain Spalding,
African Ex'plore.
A knock on the door
Sign: "To Me You Are Perfect"
And I fell in love.
"Just make ten louder."
Hard rock Buddha says: "But these
Go to eleven."
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