Monday, August 29, 2011

Up at the Huffington Post!

My piece on the Supreme Court was featured yesterday, and is hanging around there still... you can see it here.

It looks like the 110 comments are mostly from angry atheists... they love my stuff! Well, they love to comment on it, anyways.


  1. Great argument Mark. I agree wholeheartedly.

  2. After ten years without, these past few months with cable have been a shock to my system (I knew things were bad; just not this bad).

    Just one oddity: I find that the more I watch FOX News the more I question my conservative faith. In fact, I recharge my conservative batteries by watching MSNBC.

    In that vein, a question for you, Mark:

    What does reading the Huff Post and wading through the comments to your posts do for your worldview?

  3. I'll admit that if I am busy with something else (which I am today-- starting a commutation clinic), I don't wade through them at all. When I do, I try to keep in mind that most of the people who read what I say, understand it, and agree really have no reason to leave a comment.

  4. Well said. Thanks be to God for busy lives.

  5. WF, I feel the same about Fox News and therefore try not to watch it. And when I stumble across MSNBC, yes, I realize these people are just as nuts as the conservatives kooks on Fox.
