Saturday, June 18, 2011


Yeah, Bruins!

Though I will always root for my Wings, I love to see any one of the Original Six (Boston, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, Montreal) win the Stanley Cup. It just seems wrong to see the Cup go to Charlotte or Tampa or Penasacola or wherever.

The Boston Bruins won this year, beating Vancouver in game 7 on Vancouver's home ice at Happy Biscuit Co. Arena. Two odd things happened with this outcome:

1) Vancouver fans rioted. Seriously. Rioting Canadians?

2) Craig A., the biggest Bruins fan in all of Virginia, did not call or write to gloat.

It's the world turned upside down!

quit trash talking the Tampa Bay Lightning.
Aren't they moving to Winnipeg?
Charlotte doesn't even have a hockey team...the Hurricanes play in Raleigh. How Raleigh even qualifies for a professional sports team of any type is beyond me.
man - you are trash talking my other home town.
I was 2 the last time they won the cup.
Charlotte, Raleigh, whatever? They are still the Hartford Whalers (sans Howe)
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