Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Just up at the Huffington Post!

The Irrational Jesus... please check it out and make a comment or "like" it to facebook (unless you don't like it, in which case you can just make a comment here or there or both. Whatever you want is fine. I'm feeling Midwestern today).

A comment from a typical HuffPo reader:

"I like a fourth choice because it confuses everyone--­that is call myself a Christian pagan because god is a lunatic, because I hug my walnut tree and because Jesus said some good things on the Sermon on the Mount. In other words cherry pick the beejeebers out of the Bible, add in some RIlke, Loren Eiseley, Neruda, Chagall, quantum mechanics and paste and cut my own guide book."

Seriously, if I ever meet this hippie I'm going to punch them in the face. I would first ask them to explain how string theory provides them a "guide" through life, and then I would punch them in the face.
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