Tuesday, May 10, 2011


New at the Huffington Post!

Please check it out here-- Narcotics: Attack Capital, Not People.

Also, if you can, add a comment or tweet it or something(I'm still not sure what that is)... I'd like to get a broader discussion going on this.

Extra points if you can identify the photo location or subject (other than me).
I know but I won't tell because it would be fair.
I mean it wouldn't be fair.
First of all:Kudos on your cute "super-model" hair blowing in breeze.And to quote someone else who shall remain nameless,"Nice haircut."
Secondly: I very much like this notion of attacking capital and wonder why no one else came up with it before. We have a habit in this country of using the same remedy over and over again with respect to many troublesome areas and expecting different results.I agree,prison does not work.However,one wonders how the Mafia connection with narcotics would be impacted by this?
You've gotta be in Waco....
And I think you are in that complex on MLK across from Brazos River Steakhouse....b/c I'm noting that grassy field behind you...and the security fence...
@ renee.....there is something to be said for the way the mafia handles these sorts of things... In my opinion, they may be much smarter than our government in the way they 'handle' things. However, we run into the legalities of "offing" people...
"Luca Brasi swims with the fishes"....
Great article--I hope this view can gain some traction.

And if you are not on the steps of some villa in the Hamptons, you must be at the next best thing...an apartment complex in Hearne, TX talking about the traumatic events on which the film American Violet is based.
It's with the lady from your movie "American Violet".

You've lost weight since that photo was taken.
Mark, I think this is spot on and so obvious … like “why didn’t I think of the Frisbee?” At the same time this is not remotely my area of expertise … yet I imagine by going at the capitol you are also going after all that goes along with it … power, status, prestige, extravagant lifestyles, ability to bribe, ability to fund large arms caches … all the things that inform both extrinsic power and intrinsic power. And as you suggest, it sounds as though the technology is in place to pursue such a course.
christine -

He moved to MN Of course he has lost. He runs bikes plays hockey walks everywhere its like NYC but with cows.
Twd - they have cows in Edina? I think he left those behind in Waco. He is living in one of the meccas of health and organic/local food. I say 'one of' as Durham and Portland are on that short list.
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