Saturday, May 08, 2010


Razor Quiz!

What is pictured below?

Hint: It is not the Manatee of Jobs. Also, nepotism is strictly disallowed.

That's the most adorable waste of taxpayer money I have ever seen.

Those turtles that were climbing turtles couldn't climb over the turtle fence.
I see an advanced ninja strike force just waiting to have radioactive ooze poured on them.
I see an excellent bluegrass band called Trampled by Turtles. Check 'em out.
This is pure poppycock.
Yes, all we need is some radioactive ooze and a rat trained in martial arts.

"What we need is jobs, Jobs, JOBS."
Coralling the turtles for some turtle soup?

No seriously is there some type of underground turtle crossing so they don't get hit by cars?
Turtle marathon?
So what is the answer?
Turtle fence?
Yes! It is a turtle fence!
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