Friday, August 28, 2009


Haiku Friday: Cooking

Those who know me know that I love to cook for friends. There is something magical about preparing a good meal-- equal parts chemistry and alchemy. There are a few ritual meals that I make every year, and several others scattered around the change in seasons. I grew up in a family that believed in the occasional feast; that is, a meal marked not by gluttony but by careful attention to and appreciation of good food and one another.

Tonight, I will be making some very nice lamb. It is from Homestead Heritage, a place outside of town, where they raise their own and slaughter them on site. It's good meat, so it does not need much spice; the best you can do is to let the wonderful flavor of the meat itself emerge. Yum.

For now, though, let's go ahead and haiku about food and cooking. It can be a memory, a recipe, an idea... just haiku it.

Here's mine:

Even in summer
Texans love an open flame
It can heat them twice.

Now you go...

To cook lamb, get mint
Crush the leaves, release the scent
Make into tasty sauce

Brush lightly over meat
Use smoky real wood fire
Oak and apple are best.

No, seriously. A simple mint and malt vinegar sauce is best... sugar, crushed and chopped mint leaves, some malt vinegar and onions. Brush it over your cuts as you slow cook it over a smoky fire. My favorite way of doing that is to let the oak coals burn down and then place a metal pan filled with soaked applewood chips on top. This lets the aroma of the applewood mix with the headiness of the oak and bake into the meat as you marinate it with the mint sauce.
I wonder why I,
am not invited to eat
lamb at the Oslers!
fish in the picture
doesn't know what kind of show
just look at that smile
Mr. CL,

I wonder the same
The silence of the lamb
Is what I enjoy.
Do not be so sad
Fish is going to better place
Risotto like loves
Requires careful attention
And the result... yum!
Homemade Moussaka
Bon Appetite mes amis
ground lamb and eggplant

Perhaps I will pair
the Moussaka with cold Cuke
and Tomato soup
Juice, Egg McMuffin
Driving Up I-95
Healthy Breakfast? No
Osler McMuffin
Eggs, bacon, salt, cheese, bun
I have had many.
Cody's mom told him,
"Well, you know those yankees, they
eat different from us"
Yes, Southerners eat
biscuits with sausage gravy.
It looks disgusting
Use some mesquite wood
Pour on your favorite beer
Cook to pink center

Del Rio
Everyone Loves My
Hideous Experimental
Cooking. Except Bill.
Pickling this and that
Tyd, how goes the preserving?
So much to put up
Pizza on the roof
DC skyline all around
Gourmet evening.
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