Friday, February 13, 2009


Haiku Friday-- Simpson Edition

So, I'm at the grocery store today and all of the stupid magazines by the check-out are full of articles about Lisa Simpson. "Is She Too Fat?" "Why is Everyone Talking About Her Weight!" Etc. etc. etc. It is all they seem to be reporting these days.

What's the deal? She's a cartoon character. Sheesh, some Korean animator slips with the pencil a little and everyone goes ballistic.

I invite you to haiku on the topic of celebrities generally.

Simpson in winter;
She is fed up with it all
In four hundred pix.

Now, it is your turn....

Magazines at store
Make me weep for humankind
Gossip is not news
Bart from the Simpsons
Seems to know the devil well
I am not kidding.

By the way, I'm referencing his brief stint in Hell in Bart Gets Hit By a Car and how the devil seems to already be good friends with Bart (and Richard Nixon) in Treehouse of Horror IV, not psycho fundamentalist beliefs. I obviously am a Simpsons fan.
I know more about
the Simpsons than anyone
you will ever meet.

Lisa's not too fat
Season 16, episode
3 has shown us that.
Lisa is yellow,
She is her own person so
Let her be herself.
Jessica Simpson!
Osler, get it right for once
And she is porky!
Anonymous they,
Sometimes miss humor, misspell
But buy magazines.
Anniston, Jolie!
Watch them fight on DVD!
More dangerous than
Gossip mags? SOAP OPERAS!!!
All about PATERNITY.

Who is the real dad?
knocked up teens, they GLAMORIZE
pregnancy and sex. They suck.

Woody Allen said:
"Gossip is the new Porn." A
gallery of American decay.

Jessica Simpson: "I'm not fat."
Lisa Simpson: "Too bad if I 'm fat."
Jessica Rabbit: "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way."
This is not so false
Cuz People mag has headline:
"Miss Piggy's waistline?"
What universe are
We in, where animators
Rule and Lisa's fat?
I think Jessica
Looks better a bit meaty
All Jessica's do :)
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