Friday, December 19, 2008


Holiday Haiku Friday-a-thon

It's gray and woggy out (warm and foggy, as Sonny Eliot used to say), and I'm kind of a little down. Perhaps it is the enduring feeling that I let down Bates at foosball this year-- he really wanted to go undefeated, but I'm... well, not very good at foosball. It did give me a chance to stitch together oral argument and foosball for the start of class this morning.

So, feel free to haiku about whatever you want. Here is mine:

Misogynist Claus,
He's a bad, evil old elf;
Sings a slay-ing song.

Now it is your turn:

Lane's trip to the mall--
Got his photo with Satan!
And Satan's elves.
Get Osler merry!
Maybe he needs some breakfast,
Big Burrito, stat!
Bailout for Christmas!
Detroit may be brighter now,
And white with new snow.
Such a gloomy Gus!
Lighten up, it's the season
Of love, light, and warmth.
Humbug! Dr Phil,
sad to say, gets on my nerves
even at Christmas.

Favorite movie,
to watch, to quote is Scrooged,
around Christmas time.

"You are a hallucination, brought on by alcohol...Russian Vodka, poisoned by Chernobyl!"
Lego photo! Yay!
How do you see into dreams?
This from my nightmare.
Remedies morning
Still has class, invidious
That's sick. On a different note:

Cleaning for Christmas
Watching "Serial Killers"
Where are the Peanuts?
Festival of Light
Winter Solstice is coming
Longer days await


White Christmas up north
Snowball fights on the Lakeshore
More hot coco - yum

If only the rain
would turn to snow for Christmas
I would be happy


Origami cranes
I didn't fold one thousand
but they are pretty

The cranes are gracing
my fake, silk, bamboo-like tree
complete with white lights


Happy Holidays
To all my fellow bloggers
Osler's Razor rocks
Work Christmas Potluck
brought salad, Christmas CD:
"Santa's Got Mojo."
Work Christmas Party.
Sushi. Prime Rib. Lots of booze.
Willful negligence?
Christmas season brings
Emotions of every kind
To me, anyway . . .

Birthday's Boxing Day
Gifts are sweet, but passing years
Seem absurd. Still, the

Years are gift enough.
Shopped today: Costco,
Dollar Store. Groceries and toys.
Presents for Grandma

Spencer got her a
Picture frame, a bell, candles
Grandpa got shower gel.

SOMEHOW we got presents
For Spencer at Costco WHILE
he was with us. Not easy.

Spencer sang to all
people standing in line at
the Post Office today.

Hate to admit this
but we are having Stouffer's
Chicken Enchiladas for Christmas

For Thanksgiving I cooked like a hundred dollars worth of stuff that NOBODY LIKED ANYWAY!!! OKAY FAMILY, here you go! Here is your Christmas present: Mommy is NOT cooking hahah. Well, I will cook a LITTLE: Desserts, side dishes, salad. Bill hates almost all Thanksgiving foods, and Spencer will eat just about anything with ketchup on it, so WHY BOTHER?

We will have a nice time no matter what. We are home, finally!!!! And even though the year ahead is going to SUCK in a lot of ways, because of all of the legal work left to do, it is still great to be home, great to have a great kid that makes us laugh hysterically almost every day.

That last part is not really a haiku. I had a lot of kids at my house this week. I cannot think anymore.
Mark foosball mayhem,
Heroic Bates' miracle shot,
Money for homeless.
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