Thursday, March 29, 2007


Practice Court Quote of the Day!

This afternoon (and evening), I watched that murder case involving the personal trainer again. The students did a pretty good job, for the most part. The jury acquitted in a jiffy, though, in large part because the primary government witness came through as a complete psycho. She was the killer (of the defendant's ex-girlfriend); the charge against the defendant was that he put her up to it.

The really creepy part was when she described the murder. The witness was played by a particular perky killer, who had the following to say about her bloodthirsty ways:

Q: Once you got to the house, what did you do?

A: Oh, I ran over to the car, and I shot her! I shot her a lot! I unloaded the whole clip into her!

Q: Then what happened?

A: I really wanted some pizza! So I called up my husband, and told him, "let's get a pizza!" Well, it turned out he had already ordered the pizza, and he only got the kind he liked. That's with mushrooms. I like pepperoni.

Q: After that, what happened?

A: Well, it turned out that he really did only get the kind of pizza he likes. But that was ok, and I ate some of that!

Erroneous -- I have been misquoted. I believe I wanted double cheese and chicken and tomatoes according to the deposition. Typical men, we're getting my kind of pizza, kill my ex-girlfriend, etc. etc. What can you do? I guess I wasn't cut out for acting.
Once again proving Mr. Garrison's maxim.

Never ask a question you don't know the answer to. But that's not Mr. Garrison's maxim
Why couldn't she have testified against me? No, I get sent to the pokey for life after the professor makes fun of me.
Yay! I was worried I was going to have to spend the rest of my life in prison, which on top of studying for Evidence, would just be too much.
"Pretty good job?" Thats it?
Ell-- that's about the funniest comment I've seen in a while. I liked the fact that your character seemed much more upset about the pizza mix-up than the request to off an ex-girlfriend.

Poseur-- I wasn't making fun of you... I was making fun of your character
ELL, I've long been a proponent that we should ditch this whole law school "thing" and fall back on Planet Smoothie. We can gasp and sit in awed and injured silence when people try to turn down their free "boost."
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