Monday, January 15, 2007


IPLawGuy v. Medievalist v. Osler

Last night, IPLawGuy, Medievalist, and I (and various others) had an amazing contest in Scrabble. It began with the traditional assignment of Scrabble Names. IPLG chose the name of "Montreal Expose," for reasons I can't begin to guess. I imagine that act is only a misdemeanor in Quebec, though. Medievalist, not surprisingly, chose the name of "Madrid Real," while I took on my usual moniker of "Steve Winner."

My attempt to use "fetas" (multiple kinds of feta cheese) was successful, while I failed to convince the others that "Boothier" was a word. So, I lost. Rats.

We did very much enjoy the food and wine, however.

And to think that I backed down in my attempt to use the word "ort," which we later determined is indeed a real word.

I'm a little chagrined to admit, however, that I mispelled "affected" in an earlier post.
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Turns out that "sog" is a word. Fortunately for me, so is "sox." And also, fortunately, "tix" is not.
You posted this twice.
I still can't figure out how IPLawWife got "antidisestablishmentarism" on the board. It was worth 114 points on the triple word score! No fair! Do over!
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