Friday, September 06, 2024


Haiku Friday: Signs of Fall


The weather is getting cooler-- time to break out the sweaters (at least in Minnesota). Let's haiku about signs of fall this week. Here, I will go first:

A single red leaf
Silent sidewalk sentinel
Curves upwards to me.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern and have some fun!

Brown leaves in green grass.
Cool mornings. Early apples.
Fall is on the way.

Mowing the lawn still
Winter is coming soon stark
Mornings bear new light
Wearing it today—
Bark brown brightened with creamed butter—
Color you could eat.
But fall reverie
Still loses to mosquitoes
Til they’ve had enough.
In Central Texas,
It’s ninety-five and sunny,
All the leaves are green.
“Slow your roll, Fall!” says
the Old Dominion. “I am
still bringing the heat!”
September arrives
Finally cooler weather
At least for a while
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