Friday, April 27, 2018


Haiku Friday: There is only one!

Driving along in Santa Fe yesterday on my way back from Meow Wolf, I found myself behind a Jeep with a spare tire cover that depicted the American flag along with the slogan "There is only one!"

"Damn right!" I thought. "We're not like those other countries with a bunch of different flags!"

Except, we kind of are. Each state has its own flag, varying from elegant to stupid, plus there are a bunch of people who think the Confederate battle flag is "their flag." Ugh. Actually, there probably is not another country out there with quite so many competing flags.

Still, "There is only one" seems like it could be a pretty good haiku topic (plus, it is five syllables. Magic!).

Here, I will go first:

Who's a good dog? Who?
Yes, you are a good dog! Yes!
There is only one.

Now it your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern and have some fun!

He made a scratch pie.
I swooned. My soul mate doth cooks!
There is only one.

Firsts are singular.
First kiss, love, first broken heart.
There is only one.
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