Wednesday, June 29, 2011



Every superhero ever has a movie now. I went to see the Green Lantern, and couldn't get over the... well, odd moments. Why are the guardians of the universe so dumb? How can people breath in space? Why do aliens always speak English?

I'll take someone who makes sense to me, like, say.... Catwoman.

That part with the "Meow" and then the explosion is so hot.
Re aliens: they don't "speak in English," silly - they speak in tongues. Everyone hears aliens in their own language.
Michelle Pfeiffer is not the best catwoman, even.
Susan is absolutely correct about hearing aliens speak in one's own language. It works the other way around too. This, of course, is made possible because of the Universal Translator. According to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," a living creature known as the Babel fish is not only the means for this to happen when stuck in the ear but also the root cause of a theological crisis.
That scene where all those cats are crawling all over her completely creeps me out.
Best scene ever!
Fond of Catwoman myself. One year my son,Dallas,was Batman for Halloween,and I dressed as Catwoman to pick him up from Minnehaha Academy (I think he was in the second grade).It was not my best decision perhaps.I liked Julie Newmar as Catwoman from The Sixties,and also Eartha one could top her purrrring. And the thought of aliens delights me period.
Julie. Newmar.

Best. Ever.

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