Sunday, May 01, 2011


Sunday Reflection: Reflection and discourse

Today over at St. Stephens at 10 am, I'll be talking about creeds with Susan Stabile as part of Neil Alan Willard's Rector's Smackdown series. I've been describing it at times as a debate, but that's not very accurate.

The truth is that I am not vigorously defending a position I hold dear. I do have a problem with the Nicene and Apostle's creeds, and don't usually say them, for reasons I have previously discussed, but when so many I love and respect disagree with me, I am obliged to listen.

I'm learning, and specifically I am learning through this continuing discussion with Susan, Neil, and others in my life from Texas to DC. I'm also learning something about how I learn.

Sometimes I like to pretend that I discern things through quiet contemplation, but that isn't very true. When I am alone in the quiet, I tend to create bold new things in my mind, or think about lunch. I don't do much discerning in those quiet alone times.

Rather, I work things through in conversation with others. That's one reason I treasure the people in my life who are willing to have those discussions.

Oddly, too, I'm realizing that I not only work out these issues through discussion, but often I do it in public, with people watching. At our trial of Christ, I found myself convinced by some of the things my opposing counsel said. When I talk with Susan tomorrow, I know that at least some of what she says will become a part of my own thoughts. Going back, I know that much of my spiritual development came while teaching a class with Randall O'Brien and Hulitt Gloer, trading off riffs like some kind of theological rap group.

It is humbling to realize this-- I need others to become whole.

Things that one 'believes'.... and general 'beliefs'....they can rival...but ultimately come together. That motion when hands come together and fingers if there is a connection or marriage of thoughts....
These Creeds...yeah...they may be gnawing into your gut a little b/c of principle...but ultimately, you 'believe' them. You just need a little shout-out for your 'beliefs' / the gospels..
I say, take it up with Rowan....
What is all that talking to yourself in your office about, then?
I've also found discourse with others who do not share my beliefs has helped me in so many ways. It allows me to understand what and why they believe what they do. And it forces me to search and examine my own beliefs. No matter what, I'm always enlightened with new knowledge.
Enlightment often comes from those who question you. Same as answers often lie within a question thoughtfully directed.
Is that the Minnehaha Creek tumbling toward the mighty Mississippi?
CT-- Yes it is!
Hey, now. What's wrong with thinking about lunch? Sorry to skip out during your part of the discussion. My baby was apparently thinking about lunch, too. But I enjoyed what I did hear, and would love to hear more. The Rector has accused me of having Mennonite leanings already (don't even get me started on the Easter Bunny), so I'm sure we could have a good discussion.
"Theological rap group"-
UWA? Unitarians with Attitude. Easy E could stand for Emmerson.
"It is humbling to realize this-- I need others to become whole." So true, mon ami, so true.
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