Thursday, March 10, 2011


Haiku Friday: The Books You Loved

Last Sunday, I got to spend some time with Bill and Jane Smith, who were my neighbors when I was a kid.

During dinner, they remembered some of my odd habits as a child. Apparently, with some frequency, I would go down to their house and bang on the door until they gave me a book. Once I had one, I would sit there on their porch and read it. Then I would demand another book, and sometimes Mrs. Smith would insist I eat an apple before she would give me another one.

What a weird kid!

Anyways, I remember some of the books I went there for-- the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle series. Let's haiku about that today: The books we loved as kids.

I will go first:

Sat on the Smith's porch,
Read Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle,
Then went to college.

Now it is your turn! The first line should have about five syllables, the second line about seven, then five in the third...

The book I loved
Encyclopedia Brown
Do kids still read that?
Oh, I loved Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle and Encyclopedia Brown! Really, I'd just read anything I could get my hands on.

Superfudge, Deenie
Are You There, God? It's Me, M...
Loved you, Judy Blume.

Ramona The Pest
Dear Mr. Henshaw, et al
All by B. Cleary.
I wanted to be Beezus!
Long suffering girl.
I recognize the Smith's. They look the same - just , well,older. I will Haiku later
Jules Verne and Alexandre Dumas,
Then back to real world,
Communist Utopia.
Anything I could
Magazines, cookbooks, Bibles
I needed the words
Where the Red Fern Grows.
Still my all time favorite.
My first fiction cry.
Tom Swift Boy Genius
Ohio school library
Read every one!
Bunnicula was
my favorite book, or hmm
A Dog Called Kitty?
A great book for kids:
The Anarchist's Cookbook!
Learn cooking and more.
For my fifth birthday
All I wanted was a book:
Fall Is Here. Great read!
Fun, spunky and smart
Sluething, solving mysteries
I love Nancy Drew.
"Fall is Here" came from
That little bookstore, cozy
On The Hill, I think.
I love Madeline
Curious George and Babar
The artwork, vivid
Weekly Reader joy
what new paperbacks await?
Oh, The White Mountains!
How could I forget
Our current bedtime fav'rite,
Written by a priest?

Five Hundred Pages
Of Thomas the Tank Engine:
Three-year-old loves it.
Mystery, choices:
Choose Your Own Adventure! Where
will this path lead us?
Judy Bloom was the
BEST! Little House, Beverly
Cleary, Harriet (the spy).
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