Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Credit for falling on his sword... (so to speak)

Yesterday I cut DiaDelKendall from my blogroll, since he hadn't posted anything since July 12. Well, he's back. Why, you ask?

Because he redeemed himself with this horrifying post about his 13-year figure skating career.

[Actually, we hockey players had a very secret respect for figure skaters since they (1) were actually really good at skating, and (2) spent a lot more time with girls in swirly little skirts than we did]

Three posts in one day? WTF? Slow down or you will burn out!
AWESOME!!!! I LOVE FIGURE SKATING!!! who was his partner? FIgure skating is the hardest sport there ever ever ever was!!! You have to do like all these revolutions up in the air and then LAND?? wearing a half inch blade of steel? on ICE???? give me a BREAK!!!!!!!!!! WHO THE HECK can DO THAT???? Hardly anyone!! Can you imagine the toll it takes on your body? Or not to mention the shape you have to be in?? OMG!!!!! Figure skaters are like HEROES to me. They have the hardest sport in the world, EVER!!! Plus they have to wear stupid skimpy outfits! They have no equipment! They do not have helmets! or padding they cannot even wear warm clothes!!! They have to wear like spandex and sequins and all kinds of weird stuff ! OMG!!!

PS ANON 11:8 - LAY OFF Osler. He is a blogging genius
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