Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Texans care deeply about the octopi

As usual, Sleepy Walleye has tipped me off to something I did not know. Specifically, some goofball has apparently filed a federal lawsuit against the Red Wings to stop the tossing of octopi at Wings games. Oddly, the plaintiff is a truck driver from Texas in his 50's. It's unclear why he cares so much for seafood, but... well, he does.

Let me make this much clear-- if someone is trying to help the seafood, you really need to sue Gordon Davenport, not the Wings. Since Gordon is coming over for dinner you'll have to excuse me... I have to go buy 9 lbs of shrimp.

What I liked about the story is that there is no federal basis for the suit, but they still are reporting on it...
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