Monday, September 03, 2007
Now That's an Interview!

Once again, the fellows at Bare Meat have shown that, though deceased, they have what it takes to keep Baylor sports interesting. Most recently, they pointed us all to this classic interview with Baylor's football coach. The Trib's reporter is trying to get a perplexed Coach to identify the cutest football players on his team; eventually, to his credit, the Coach grudgingly complies. At the end, you get the idea he deeply regrets the whole thing.
While I'm on the topic of teams suffering humbling defeats this weekend, Poseur has a wonderful analysis of what University of Michigan blogs have been doing since Saturday's game (including posting the photo above).
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So what? Baylor lost. They are in good company as Michigan lost as well. We still have a chance to go 10-1. Go Bearettes!
Yeah, they haven't been the same since the Gambler got caught cheatin' at cards. Not that the Yanks are doing anything other than (barely) treading water.
I'm not sure I understand the deceased thing, but obviously this is way beyond me and the deceased bloggers at Meet Bear are well established.
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